From vision to value realization from vision to value realization: A closer look at how customers are embracing AI Transformation to unlock innovation and Deliver Business Outcomes from vision to Value Realization

Each quarter, I share a collection of customer and partner stories from around the world that highlight the incredible technological advancements shaping the future of the industry. As a partner of choice, we are committed to helping organizations accelerate AI Transformation to unlock opportunities and realize material business value. Our ability to bend the curve on AI innovation is allowing us to live truer to our mission than ever before: to empower our customers and partners to achieve more.

I am sharing an additional blog this quarter because we are seeing so much inspiring AI Transformation and pragmatic innovation with our customers. Their impressive results are benefiting employees, businesses, and industry, and I would like to expand on a handful of stories that crystallize the tangible impact AI is having on organizations that embrace it read more…

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